John Brakey
Next, we go for Part 3 of the plan. We amended our special action to allow us to gain access to the ballot Images and to have them made available to the public. Click Here to see the complaint.Speaking for AUDIT-AZ, we are pleased to announce that we have a Presidential Candidate, who personally experienced elements of corruption during the primary. “Rocky” Roque De La Fuente was the first candidate to call for DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to be fired. Mr. De La Fuente, running as a Democrat at the time, got to “look under the hood of the DNC” and experience how political manipulation is orchestrated from the inside. What he found was not good for democracy.Now, Rocky sees his mission as the same as ours, to make Elections Transparent, Trackable and Publicly Verifiable!

Elections in our country are based on procedures. We believe that procedures are necessary. However, they need to be good and fair procedures. We need procedures that ensure that our elections are evidence-based with real proof of the outcome; real audits! That is why we at AUDIT AZ and Rocky De La Fuente work to make elections Transparent, Trackable and Publicly Verifiable.
In the first phase of our litigation, we took Pima County to court and won; stopping them from destroying the ballot images. This is critically important because we also know that using an application like “Fraction Magic” only changes the numbers, but it can’t change a complex, hard copy, hand-marked paper ballot. The only logical reason that our county destroyed ballot images and lied about it is to protect its ability to manipulate votes – now or in the future.
Elections are only stolen when the bad guy knows they have impunity. Let’s take that impunity away!
Please help finance our next lawsuit set that will be filed this week. Our first objective was to force the Board of Elections to preserve the ballot images. Now, we are suing to compel the BOE to release those ballot images to the public. Please donate at: www.ElectionNightMares.comLink to Fraction Magic:
One quick note about Mr. De La Fuente: I first got in contact with Rocky shortly after the Arizona primary. As the result of that first discussion, he offered to become a plaintiff in the AZ PPE case. Unfortunately, we ran out of time to add him as a plaintiff. However, that did not discourage him. He continues to work with us and has joined our current suit as a plaintiff.
We, at AUDIT AZ, want to offer our special thanks to Rocky for having the courage to touch the third rail, “Election Fraud, and stand with us as a plaintiff in this important case.
Folks, you can see Rocky’s commitment to Election Reform on his site ( He also will be promoting our efforts from there as early as Tuesday of this week.
Here is a video of Rocky acknowledging the rigged Democratic Primary and generously donating to Bev Harris and Greg Palast.
We are in need of your support.
Contact John Brakey for more info: 520-339-2696
Attorney fees are mounting in this crucial case to protect our data
If you’d rather write a check than donate via PayPal, make your check out to AUDIT-AZ and send it to us at:
P.O. Box 26361
Tucson, AZ 85726
We will soon have an update about the next hearing and further litigation.