2018 … A Paradigm Shift!
Democracy depends on what we do! So please watch, learn, then share and help others get informed. Working together we can make a difference in the 2018 congressional primaries by making Elections transparent, trackable and publicly verified.
I’m not making this up! This is from voting machine vendor ES&S’ literature when the DS200 and DS850 series first came out: “Patented image technology provides exceptional mark-recognition capability and retains individual digital ballot images for auditing and adjudication. (emphasis added)”
FACT! With digital scanners there are two official versions of each ballot: One the voter filled out. The other is an exact digital image of the original ballot that the machine uses for counting. The first one needs a court order to look at. The other is a public record that “We the people” must ask for in a public records request.
Ballots in most states are public records, but because they’re unique, they’re hard to get to because of the fear of tampering. Ballot images don’t have that problem because they’re protected by the official version, the one the voter filled out, then sealed away election night never to be seen unless there is a contest. Watch the video for details.
We’ve discovered that “Fraction Magic,” uncovered by BlackBoxVoting.org, can only change the vote tally numbers. It cannot change a complex hard copy, hand-marked paper ballot pegged to its corresponding scanned ballot image. When fully implemented, the ballot images and the audit features of these new voting machines can prevent fraudulent practices such as fractionalized voting and other malicious programming.
A new model is being born! Hop aboard! Be the “WE” in “We the People” with us. We now have won court orders to preserve the ballot images in two deep red states, Arizona and Alabama. We have exposed the secret of the existence of ballot images, shown how they can be used to “audit and adjudicate,” and proven they are an essential part of the chain of custody and it is illegal for the images to be destroyed.
Ballot images are impunity busters!!
The bad news: The forces of the status quo are suppressing this information, destroying the ballot images or releasing image debris instead of images in the auditable format built into the ES&S DS series and other systems.
The movement for election transparency is now! Become an “ET”! It needs people who believe in the power of LOVE and what Margaret Mead said: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Form small groups. Get connected, be informed!
Happy New Year to all and let’s make next year the year we took back our democracy!