Attorney Bill Risner Explains How Election Fraud Works in Pima County (Tucson) Arizona

John Brakey AUDIT-AZ Here is a video Clip of Attorney Bill Risner Explaining How Election Fraud Works in Pima County, (Tucson) Arizona: We’ve said nothing about the media blackout they done on this story. Maybe several millions spent on suppressing all of this? We know that an attorney fees Pima County has spent $1.3 million. […]

Arizona Election Fraud: Judge Kyle Bryson’s Ruling Prompts Motion for a New Trial

J.T. Waldron Jim March,,Attorney Bill Risner,  John Brakey AUDITAZ “The ease of cheating when matched with the impossibility of challenging any specific election requires court intervention in order to protect the purity of elections and ensure that we will have free elections.” – Attorney Bill Risner Judge Kyle Bryson’s decision was so far off […]

Arizona Election Fraud: Pima County Superior Court Judge Kyle Bryson Rules in Direct Opposition to the Appellate Courts

Attorney Bill Risner Speaks to Judge Kyle Bryson After Arizona’s Appellate courts ruled in favor of the Libertarian’s argument for prospective relief in rigged elections, Judge Kyle Bryson granted Pima County’s Motion to Dismiss based on the grounds that the courts do not have jurisdiction in elections.  Sound familiar?  The goal of the Libertarian Party’s […]

Arizona Election Fraud: Attorney Bill Risner’s Argument Reaffirms the Need for Election Integrity

In Tucson, Arizona, today’s hearing had two remarkable features.  First, the lack of substance  behind Pima County’s motion to dismiss and, second, Bill Risner’s argument reaffirming the purpose and significance this court case has for future elections.   Here’s is Bill Risner’s argument on behalf of the trial itself: The whole point of the appeal won […]
